Integrated Approaches for Cultural Heritage It is generally approved that the unique and diverse cultural resources are a major component of the cross border area’s tourism assets and that cultural tourism is a key economic sector in terms of potential for growth and employment. The tourist activity though, is still concentrated on the coastal areas…


New technologies in the service of developing interregional thematic routes. The THEMA project aims to promote the thematic tourism in the cross-border area of Greece – Albania.The THEMA project objective is twofold:(i) to improve the overall user experience that acts as a tourist in the cross-border region and(ii) to enhance the natural and cultural heritage…

Perama Cave mobile app

The Perama Cave app enhances visitor’s experience. It provides additional information to the visitor of the Perama Cave on the screen of his cell phone or tablet computer during his tour inside the Cave.Through smart Internet of Things sensors installed in the Cave, the application recognizes the location of the visitor and provides relevant information,…

Filippiada mobile app

Η εφαρμογή Filippiada app παρέχει στον επισκέπτη του Δήμου Ζηρού τη δυνατότητα να περιηγηθεί σε μοναδικές περιπατητικές διαδρομές και να ανακαλύψει τις ομορφιές του τόπου, περιλαμβάνοντας κυρίως την πόλη της Φιλιππιάδας και τη Λίμνη Ζηρού.Ο επισκέπτης έχει τη δυνατότητα να επιλέξει ανάμεσα από διαθέσιμες περιπατητικές διαδρομές και να περιηγηθεί σε αυτές βιώνοντας μία μοναδική εμπειρία…